A major obstacle in dealing with this situation is the current legislative landscape. In the EU, the main management of chemicals is handled through REACH and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). But certain uses, for example food contact materials, that include sensitive products like baby bottles and cans, are regulated under the European Food Safety Authority.
The two agencies have handled the issue of bisphenols differently, especially in the way they approach grouping to structurally similar chemicals. However, neither agency are controlling or limiting the use of well-known toxic bisphenols, for example Bisphenol S (BPS) which is a common substitute for BPA.
“Restricting groups of chemicals has to become the rule rather than the exception. When different substances of the same chemical group are likely to be similarly acting and used in the same situation and one is known to be harmful and has been regulated, then regulation should be extended to cover all other similar compounds”, the report states.
ChemSec has written about this topic extensively in the past, and also recently published a report how the marketplace is moving away from BPA and what investors can gain from this shift.
More info and the full report can be found here: http://www.chemtrust.org/toxicsoup/