From time to time we all need to take certain leaps in life. Now is the time to take one of those.
The SIN List has been showing us the future of hazardous chemicals for eleven years, but reaching 2020 there is no longer any time to look into the future – the future is here and now it’s time to act.
ChemSec invites you to the full-day event “Ready, Set, Substitute It Now!” in Brussels on November 14, 2019.
This event will launch a major update to the SIN List, adding both new substances and new substance categories to it.
Connected to the new additions to the SIN List, the event will also feature messages from policy makers, inspiration from progressive companies and hard facts from scientists, as well as panel discussions and workshops on how to best substitute these hazardous chemicals.
Save the date, and keep your eyes open for a more detailed invitation in September.