If you are looking for an alternative you post a request, if you have a safe alternative you advertise it. It is as simple as that. Marketplace wants to short-circuit the otherwise complicated communication routes, and make it easy to find safe substitutions to hazardous chemicals.
“More and more companies seem to look towards non-toxic alternatives”
And, to my delight, the website is growing at a steady pace. More and more companies seem to look towards non-toxic alternatives. Now I also believe that investors are starting to see the opportunity that Marketplace represents.
To make investment opportunities even clearer, we have now connected our investors tool SIN Producers List to Marketplace.
Up until now, the SIN Producers List has been a tool to see different companies’ production of hazardous chemicals in the European and American market. It has, so far, been useful for investment professionals to see what not to invest in.
“The SIN Producers List now also shows alternatives that companies have available on Marketplace”
But we want to turn it around. We want to show these people what they should invest in. We want to show them the opportunities, not only the problems. We also want to give credit where credit is due and show investors which companies are frontrunners in the process of substituting toxic chemicals for safer alternatives.
Therefore, the SIN Producers List now also shows alternatives that companies have available on Marketplace. So, not only will investors see the production of hazardous chemicals likely to be restricted when looking into a company, they will also see the safer alternatives that they are offering on Marketplace.
25 years ago, when I was constantly on the hunt for investment opportunities, this is what I would have liked to see. Healthy profits, opportunities to invest in the future.
And as Marketplace continues to grow, more and more healthy investment opportunities will pop up on the SIN Producers List.
Sonja Haider
Senior Business and Investors Advisor at ChemSec